RIP Ruby Dew We loved you so much
It's time to rock and roll and get ready for the 2013 season! The tours have been posted and they are filling fast! Texas is ALREADY full........get on the ball and get signed up!
Last year was a great year of cycling and eating! Many changes in our household.....Matthew is home from Afghanistan and coaching the high school wrestling team and back to school himself in January. Aaron is in his 2cnd of 3 years of grad school: when he's done he'll be able to tag along as the physical therapist for the tours! Scott is graduated and through Marine Corp boot camp: he is stationed in Mississippi for his schooling to study weather. They are all home for the holidays, as is the grandpuppy Baker. Quite a household!
We had a tragedy this fall: my beloved Ruby Dew, whom many of you got to know on the tours, was taken during the night in October by what we believe to be a cougar. She went out at 1:30, there were two yips and she was gone. It was a very difficult time.....I have so many fond memories of her on the tours....she loved to go in the big yellow truck and explore wherever we landed.....but, we do have a new addition that Jack gave me for my birthday. Her name is Pumpkin Patch and she is a darling little Cavalier. Hopefully you will get to meet her this next year.
So for next year this is where you can find us: The first tour in Southern California in March, Texas in April (sorry slow pokes, it's sold out!), the Oregon Gorge, the Oregon Coast, Sierra Sampler and the Wine and Harvest in California. These are for sure. And, we are still working on the logistics of the Idaho Relaxed and Idaho Family. No, I will not be in Utah, as many of you have asked. I am saddened by this because it is one of my favorites, but maybe some time in the future.